
pfSense as a proper router in OpenStack

Well, this is a little bit cheating because I started with an already made pfSense image by my colleague. Nevertheless, it’s still a long story. Fix Disk Error When making the image, UUID wasn’t ...


As a continuation of previous article introducing Cobbler inside VirtualBox, this one will talk about power management. First of all, as a principle of no reinventing of the wheel, here is the fen...

Cobbler in VirtualBox

Cobbler can help you with all those complicated things for network installation, i.e. PXE, DHCP, etc. Here is a brief instruction for trying it out in VirtualBox with Ubuntu as guest OS. To set u...

Fix Messages Login Failure

After upgraded to Mavericks, my Message and Facetime stopped working completely, and I couldn’t even login. After googling for a while, I realized it was the problem of my serial number! Check here...

RapidMiner Server and R extension

I was very surprised that I couldn’t found any article talking about how to make RapidMinder Server (formerly RapidAnalytics) work with R extension. All those articles are discussing how to install...

public services behind vpn

So the idea is simple: I need to offer public services, e.g. http, ssh, on my Raspberry Pi behind a VPN connection. But what’s the difference w/ and w/o a VPN connection? The thing is with a VPN c...

Homebrew and git svn

Just installed subversion and git via Homebrew with default option, git svn gave me: Can't locate SVN/Core.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/Cellar/git/

Sonatype Nexus on Raspberry Pi

Ever since phasing out of my super old x86 laptop, and replacing it with a super cheap raspberry pi, I have been losing my Sonatype Nexus. The reason for needing such a tool is so obvious that I wo...

Nutch and Anchor

Nutch is cool and pretty simple to start. Lots of tutorials over the Internet. The problem I had was I couldn’t make nutch to index or even store anchor text. No argue but I just needed it or them...

MySQL and AppArmor

Started from a crazy idea or a quick and dirty hack more precisely, in order to detect insert/update/delete events within MySQL, and therefor react on that by executing some system commands, I foun...